Thursday, November 3, 2011

Technology Past and Future

Technology is used quite a bit in Higher Education for distance learning courses, E-Library for research, and administrative purposes, such as registration, recordkeeping, and Email. There are degrees that are offered solely online. For Adult Education, you may take tests, online courses, or register for courses. K-12 has some exposure to technology such as word processing in doing homework, and computer research for reports, and some drill work and tests, but for the most part, is still operating through the primary instructional media of teacher, chalkboard, and textbook.

The future of technology in education will be great. My thoughts are that Higher Education will continue to lead the way to use of more technology. I see more enhancement of technology such as blogs, wikis and other social media to add to the curriculum. I think more online degrees will be enhanced with more social media and collaborative types such as Wikis. Also, I think more and more distance learning will take place, forcing more technology into the curriculum. Adult Education will continue to use more technology and be enhanced by collaborative media. For K-12, I think there will soon be a computer in every classroom (maybe IPads or laptops) to enhance student learning. K-12 already is ahead of the game with their use of YouTube, Internet, and the social network sites, so the transition to a majority of technology in the classroom does not seem out of sight.

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