Friday, November 25, 2011

Section 4: Human Performance Technology

Performance problem and non-instructional solution to solve the problem.

Electronic performance support systems definitions and important attributes.

Gloria Gery’s electronic performance support system definition, although old, contains everything necessary for a well rounded EPSS.  “An integrated electronic environment that is available to and easily accessible by each employee (learner) and is structured to provide immediate, individualized on-line access to the full range of information, software, guidance, advice and assistance, data, images, tools, and assessment and monitoring systems to permit job performance with minimal support and intervention by others” (Gery, 1989).

 I like Gery’s definition because it is specific and includes every aspect of EPSS and indicates user friendly and user at-will accessibility by the learner with minimal intervention. EPSS systems in the workplace probably have not been used more because of cost. Although EPSS actually saves on training costs and increases learner knowledge and performance, it may be that systems are initially expensive to set up and there is also the fear of the unknown results of the EPSS. However, it seems that the more schools and businesses become more technology based, the more likely EPSS will be integrated, cost-effective, and become common place for most working environments.

 Use knowledge management system used to solve the problem

Problem: Various software systems are in place, but there is a communication break-down in knowing how to access, train, and use the systems. Attempting to solve this problem would include 1) a contact point (person or persons) with knowledge of the systems and their uses; 2) where to find training (in-house, on-line, or outside sources); 3) a collaboration of persons, or teams to assess the problems, systems, training, and results of the training and implementation of the learning; and 4) assessment and improvement of 1 through 3, because technology and knowledge are constantly changing and there is always a need for performance improvement and change.

My experience with informal learning

I think it is important to have knowledge of generations. I purposely visit with my son (he’s 23 years old) and his friends to observe them and find out what they think of things, and to try to ascertain where they are going in life. (This is actually research, but don’t tell my son this because he and his friends would be on guard and may not be as open, and purposely change their behavior) I also purposely study my parent’s generation. This generation is absolutely brilliant. In addition to school and working all these years, this generation has lived through good times, bad times, such as the depression, world wars, extremes in climate, environmental, political, economical changes, and yes, has learned from the newer generations and times, technology. And yes, this generation is on to me and my observations. (I think I ask too many questions)

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